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Susane Roberts

WE attended Amjad last night at UCLA. We have seen LLHS two or three times when they have come to LA or San Diego and they were one of our favorites. I so wish that I had your explanation of what was transpiring on stage. I would have had a totally different opinion of the performance. The complexity of the program demands some explanation. Unfortunately, there was not one word about the piece in the program - a first of the many, many of the dance performances I have attended over the last 30 years. Because of that, I had no idea of what was transpiring on the stage (apparantly about 1/3 of the audience didn't either and exited in small groups after the first hour). As a result, my opinion was that the dancers were extraordinary - in technique, grace, and movement, but the continous repetition of the same movements was monotomous and boring. In addition, I had no idea of what the white balls were and how where they related to the dancers. I did recognize the music of Swan Lake and the dance of the dying swan at the end of the performance, but by that time it was too late! I think it was a disservice to the dancers that someone did not take the time or effort to write up a piece such as yours and include it in the program. My loss!

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